full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jonathan Klein: Photos that changed the world

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So when we are cnrnoefotd by a powerful image, we all have a choice: We can look away, or we can address the igame. Thankfully, when these photos appeared in The Guardian in 1998, they put a lot of focus and aoetitntn and, in the end, a lot of money towards the Sudan famine relief efforts. Did the images change the world? No, but they had a major impact. Images often push us to question our core beliefs and our rlibsenoisieipts to each other. We all saw those iagems after Katrina, and I think for millions of people they had a very strong impact. And I think it's very unlikely that they were far from the minds of animaercs when they went to vote in November 2008.

Open Cloze

So when we are __________ by a powerful image, we all have a choice: We can look away, or we can address the _____. Thankfully, when these photos appeared in The Guardian in 1998, they put a lot of focus and _________ and, in the end, a lot of money towards the Sudan famine relief efforts. Did the images change the world? No, but they had a major impact. Images often push us to question our core beliefs and our ________________ to each other. We all saw those ______ after Katrina, and I think for millions of people they had a very strong impact. And I think it's very unlikely that they were far from the minds of _________ when they went to vote in November 2008.


  1. confronted
  2. responsibilities
  3. americans
  4. attention
  5. image
  6. images

Original Text

So when we are confronted by a powerful image, we all have a choice: We can look away, or we can address the image. Thankfully, when these photos appeared in The Guardian in 1998, they put a lot of focus and attention and, in the end, a lot of money towards the Sudan famine relief efforts. Did the images change the world? No, but they had a major impact. Images often push us to question our core beliefs and our responsibilities to each other. We all saw those images after Katrina, and I think for millions of people they had a very strong impact. And I think it's very unlikely that they were far from the minds of Americans when they went to vote in November 2008.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
destructive power 4

Important Words

  1. address
  2. americans
  3. appeared
  4. attention
  5. beliefs
  6. change
  7. confronted
  8. core
  9. efforts
  10. famine
  11. focus
  12. guardian
  13. image
  14. images
  15. impact
  16. katrina
  17. lot
  18. major
  19. millions
  20. minds
  21. money
  22. november
  23. people
  24. photos
  25. powerful
  26. push
  27. put
  28. question
  29. relief
  30. responsibilities
  31. strong
  32. sudan
  33. thankfully
  34. vote
  35. world